Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

Name This Dinosaur
In Arabic and English
Is that a Diplodocus? Or a Tyrannosaurus rex? In this fun activity, children will learn about many types of dinosaurs, how to identify them and can craft their favorite one!
Weekly Knitting and Crochet Circle
In Arabic and English
Join this casual gathering of knitters and crocheters every Thursday from 9:00 – 11:00 AM to work on projects and share skills in a friendly atmosphere. Participants are welcome to bring their own supplies and projects or borrow the Library’s needles and yarn. All skill levels are welcome, including beginners who are interested in learning. Be sure to check out our collection of books on knitting and crochet while you’re here!
Qatar's Landmarks
In Arabic and English
Let’s drop pins on the map of Qatar to locate landmarks and learn information about them. This exciting activity will help us create an informational Map of Qatar.
Storytime at the Library
In Arabic
Join us for Storytime every Monday at the Children's Library. In December, we will read stories written by Qatari Authors.
STEM for Young Adults
In Arabic and English
Join us with these fun and educational activities related to science, technology, engineering and math.
Young Adults Film Club
In Arabic and English
Ever wondered how movies look from the other side of the camera? Join our Young Adults Film Club and learn how to watch movies from a filmmaker’s perspective.
How to Choose Your PhD or Thesis Topic
In Arabic
Looking for a worthwhile research topic? In this workshop, you'll discover the basic data that can help you choose a relevant and useful topic for your dissertation or thesis. 
The Art of Improvising Public Speech Competition
In Arabic
The Library, in collaboration with the Kanasha initiative, is pleased to invite you to come and watch an improvisational rhetoric competition, held in conjunction with the celebration of Arabic Language Day. Selected participants will be asked to speak on the spot on a certain topic given by a panel of judges. The winners of the first three positions will be given awards. 
Librarians in Qatar and Their Role in Information Literacy Development
In Arabic
In this event, librarians in Qatar are welcome to share their intellectual heritage journies through their development of information literacy in Qatar's libraries.  
Weekly Knitting and Crochet Circle
In Arabic and English
Join this casual gathering of knitters and crocheters every Thursday from 9:00 – 11:00 AM to work on projects and share skills in a friendly atmosphere. Participants are welcome to bring their own supplies and projects or borrow the Library’s needles and yarn. All skill levels are welcome, including beginners who are interested in learning. Be sure to check out our collection of books on knitting and crochet while you’re here!