Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

ملتقى الرياضيات: مقدمة في علم الميكانيكا
In English
Since Math is the language of Physics, mechanics is the branch which concerns with the statics or dynamics of bodies which are affected by forces. Join us in this amazing session to know more about the fundamentals of mechanics.
مخطوطات البصريات في الحضارة العربية الإسلامية
In Arabic
Optics is the branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light, and scholars of Arab and Islamic civilization made significant contributions to the field after translating, critiquing, and building on Greek studies.
أهمية العمل التطوعي
In Arabic
Join this session presented by volunteer Jassem Al-Ashar. Participants will learn about volunteer work and the most important traits that volunteers should possess, in addition to how to find institutions that need volunteers. 
نادي الشطرنج
In Arabic and English
Did you know that chess improves memory, problem-solving and raises IQ? It is a wonderful way to improve focus, flex those creative muscles and, most importantly, kids have fun playing the game. Join us in the Library to learn the basics, make some friends and enjoy a little bit of competition.
استكشف مكتبة الأطفال الإلكترونية!
In Arabic
Join this session and explore the amazing electronic collection available for young readers on the Library’s website. The collection is available to you any day of the week, any time of day, and includes audiobooks, read-alongs, games, puzzles, printouts and more. To ensure you get the maximum benefit from this session, please have your membership information available. If you do not have a membership, please register here.
وقت الحكاية للأطفال الصغار
In Arabic
Spend a fun-filled time with your toddlers ages 0-4 reading, and activities with your little ones.
نادي المدربين الشباب
In Arabic
Join us in this meetup where you will be introduced to the Young Adults' Trainers Club, which will help you in conducting your own programs at the Library. In this meetup you will learn about the fundamentals of training and public-speaking skills.
سلسلة جلسات فلذات أكبادنا: تغذية الطفل بعد السنة، ماذا يتغير؟
In Arabic
Join us in the "Our Children Matter" series of lectures that focus on topics in the field of childhood, education, and children's health. With your one-year-old, it may seem like everything is changing too rapidly! Especially so with what they need to start putting in their tummies.
حلقة الكتابة الإبداعية باللغة الإنجليزية للكبار
In English
The Creative Writing Circle for Adults is an opportunity for creative writers to come together and share their work. The group provides inspiration, feedback and encouragement in a supportive environment. So whatever stage you’re at, come along and get writing!
اكتشف ما نوفّره لك! - جلسة تعريفية حول مزايا عضوية المكتبة
In Arabic
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while? Join us for an introductory session about Library membership. You’ll learn about your benefits and responsibilities as a member, get information about our borrowing policies and how to use our self-borrowing stations, and learn how to find books and other resources in our collections. Sign up and start getting the most out of your membership!