Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

تدريب على المصادر الإلكترونية بالمكتبة لطلاب المدارس الإعدادية والثانوية
In Arabic
Join us to discover and explore the Library's various online resources for middle and high school students, including research tools, ebooks, audiobooks and periodicals.
أمسية شعرية: المقام في الفن العربي القديم
In Arabic
In this night of poetry, the ancient art of maqâm music will meet with the infinite beauties of Arabic poetry.
معرض ملصقات السينما العربية: ذكريات وفنون
In Arabic and English
We are pleased to present a special digital exhibition of distinctive posters from our Heritage Library’s Arab Cinema Archive.
أصوات الفنون: تبادل الفنون الشعبية بين قطر والولايات المتحدة
In Arabic and English
During this event, Qatari master Al Sadu weaver Zamla Bakheet Hamad Almarri and Dr. Myrah Brown Green, art historian and master quiltmaker from New York will exchange traditions and acquired techniques in their respective arts. 
سلسلة لقاءات "باحثون متميزون"
In English
In this season, we will discuss writing monographs and books for university and trade presses. We will discuss the various crafts of writing a book, from ideation to execution.  
اليوم الدولي لمكافحة الاتجار غير المشروع بالممتلكات الثقافية
In English, with Arabic Interpretation
To mark the occasion of the International Day Against Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property, the Library will host a high-level panel discussion about the efforts to counter the trafficking and illegal circulation of antiquities and documentary heritage.
جلسة إرشادية لأعضاء المكتبة الجُدد
In Arabic
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while? Join us for an introductory session about Library membership. You’ll hear about your benefits and responsibilities as a member, get information about our borrowing policies and how to use our self-borrowing stations, and learn how to find books and other resources in our collections. Sign up and start getting the most out of your membership! 
وقت القصة عبر الإنترنت
In Arabic
Join us for Onlines Storytime for Children. We will read stories and make up our own together.
ورشة عمل: تقنية السيانوتايب في عملية طباعة الصور
In English
Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces a lovely monochromatic image in shades of blue. In this workshop, explore the history of this process and make your own cyanotypes inspired by the natural world. This workshop, in collaboration with the Fire Station Artist in Residence, will be conducted by photographer Mashael Al-Hejazi.
التعامل مع الأطفال المبدعين والموهوبين
In Arabic
This training session will show teachers and parents how to nurture and guide gifted and creative children to help them get the most out of their talents.