Wolters Kluwer – Ovid

Discount offered by the Library 100% coverage of APC
Entitled Authors Corresponding authors who are students, faculty, researchers or staff from any institute of higher education or non-profit research institute within Qatar.
Journal Coverage

Hybrid Health Journals

Instructions for Authors

  • During the submission process, select "yes" to the open access question. Authors answering "yes" to this question will be able to request funding for the APC per their institution's agreement with the publisher if their article is accepted for publication.
  • You can select "Seek funding from Qatar National Library" to cover the APC charges.
  • Corresponding authors must select a CC-BY license type.
  • Authors should also choose the ULA License from a drop-down menu in the 'License To Publish' form the journal requires them to complete.
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QNL Acknowledgment

Authors should duly acknowledge QNL funding in the published article, using the following standard statement:

Open Access funding provided by Qatar National Library