Discount offered by QNL

100% coverage of APC

Entitled Authors

Corresponding authors who are students, faculty, researchers or staff from any institute of higher education or non-profit research institute within Qatar.

Journal Coverage

1. IEEE Access (Gold OA journal)

2. IEEE Topical Journals (Gold OA journals)

3. IEEE Open (hybrid journals)

Instructions for Authors

Full OA Journals

Authors submitting to Gold open OA journals will be asked to accept OA terms and charges during submission. Upon acceptance of the article, corresponding authors must select a CC-BY license type when filling out the electronic copyright form. After you complete all copyright information, you will be transferred to the IEEE Open Access Payment Portal. Select 'IEEE Open Access Institutional Account' from the payment options, select ‘Qatar National Library’ and complete the order. IEEE will then verify your eligibility with QNL, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the library.

Hybrid Journals

Upon acceptance, the corresponding author will have to choose to publish OA. The author should accept OA terms and charges. Corresponding authors must select a CC-BY license type when filling out the electronic copyright form. After you complete all copyright information, you will be transferred to the IEEE Open Access Payment Portal. Select 'IEEE Open Access Institutional Account' from the payment options, select ‘Qatar National Library’ and complete the order. white">IEEE will then verify your eligibility with QNL, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the library.

QNL Acknowledgment

Authors should duly acknowledge QNL funding in the published article, using the following standard statement:

Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.