

Discount offered by QNL

100% coverage of APC

Entitled Authors

Corresponding authors who are students, faculty, researchers or staff from Qatar National Library, Qatar University, Hamad Medical Corporation and Sidra.

Journal Coverage

Karger's Open Access journals, excluding Karger OA-titles Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry; Kidney and Blood Pressure Research; Neurosignals.

Instructions for Authors

Submission Using Karger’s Manuscript Manager

Under ‘Details’ section, select ‘Qatar National Library’ as the funding body. Karger will then verify your eligibility with QNL, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the library.

Submission Using Karger’s XpressTrack

In Section 7 of the submission process, select ‘Qatar National Library’ as the funding body. Karger will then verify your eligibility with QNL, and if confirmed, the APC will be paid by the library.


Authors should duly acknowledge QNL funding in the published article, using the following standard statement:

Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.