Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

ورشة "اسأل أخصائي المعلومات" لليافعين
In English
One of our young adults librarians will be live for one hour to answer any question you have about our resources, services and Library-related matters. This session is open to all middle and high school students and will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
ألغاز وأحاجي للكبار: متعة الألعاب المحيرة للعقل!
In Arabic and English
Brain Teasers for Adults goes virtual! Join the fun of solving mind-twisting teasers and bring one of your own to show and let us solve together. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
وقت الحكاية للأطفال الصغار
In English
Spend a fun-filled morning with reading, music movement and activities with your little ones. This event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
كيف تعمل تقنية "التعلّم الآلي"؟
In Arabic
In this program, you will learn about machine learning, which has the ability to improve and make decisions based on experience without human intervention. We'll learn how machine learning affects our everyday lives and showcase examples such as robotics with programmer Abdullah Al-Janahi, who is a high school student at Qatar School of Science and Technology. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
ملغى - جلسات دعم الرضاعة الطبيعية
In Arabic
We are sorry to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the "Breastfeeding Support Group" event scheduled for 7 November 2020 has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
نادي الأفلام لليافعين
In English
Ever wondered how movies look from the other side of the camera? Join our Young Adults Film Club and learn how to watch movies from a filmmaker’s perspective.
الدعم عن بعد لواجبات العلوم والرياضيات
In English
Having trouble with your math or science homework? We are happy to continue to help! The support will be provided online via Microsoft Teams. 
حلقة الحياكة والكروشيه الأسبوعية عن بُعد
In Arabic and English
Join our Virtual Knitting and Crochet Meetup to share experiences, information and more. Show us what you’re working on every Thursday in November from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and those who want to learn. Grab your yarn and needles and let’s chat! The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
حرد المتن في المخطوطات العربية المسيحية
In Arabic
In cooperation with the Beit Gazo Heritage Research and Conservation Center of the Churches of the Orient in Lebanon and in its role as the IFLA Preservation and Conservation Center for Arab Countries and the Middle East, the Library invites you to an online lecture highlighting the Beit Gazo Center's experience in studying and researching the most important Arabic Christian manuscripts in the Levant.
المصدر الإلكتروني "أوفردرايف": دليلك لقراءة الكتب الإلكترونية والاستماع للكتب الصوتية
In Arabic
This program will teach you how to use OverDrive to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks. We'll also explore the different useful features that you can access on OverDrive with your Library membership. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.