Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

في ذكرى علي عزت بيغوفيتش
In English
Alija Izetbegovic was a Bosnian politician, activist, lawyer, author and philosopher who in 1992 became the first President of the newly-independent Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His book, Islam Between East and West, a treatise in understanding Islam in the modern age continues to inspire today. Join us for a lecture about this remarkable man on the 17th anniversary of his death. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
ورشة "اسأل أخصائي المعلومات" لليافعين
In English
One of our young adults' librarians will be live for one hour to answer any question you have related to our resources, services and Library-related matters. This session is open to all middle and high school students and will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
وقت القصة على الإنترنت
In Arabic
Join us for storytime every Monday in October, when we will read stories and make up our own together. This event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
ورشة افتراضية حول تصميم النماذج ثلاثية الأبعاد
In English
This is an introductory CAD modeling workshop. Participants will learn how to design 3D models using an open-source platform, and each user will create a 3D model. This event will be conducted online using Microsoft Teams. 
برنامج مكتبة قطر الوطنية لدعم الإتاحة الحرة
In English
The session will introduce attendees to Qatar National Library's Open Access Author Fund and show researchers in Qatar how they can benefit from the fund to publish articles in open access journals. The session will also briefly outline the concept of open access and how it can benefit research in Qatar. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
ملغى - قراءات في مخطوطات مكتبة قطر الوطنية: رسالة في طبقات المجتهدين لابن كمال باشا
In Arabic
We are sorry to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, the "Readings From Our Manuscript Collection: Treatise On Classes of Al-Mujtahideen, by Ibn Kamal Pacha" event scheduled for 18 October 2020 has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
أساسيات البحث عن المصادر لطلاب المرحلة الإعدادية والثانوية
In English
This session will introduce students in grades 6 to 12 to the many resources that the Library offers to support their learning and research needs. The session will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
مقدمة عن خدمة جوجل للتخزين السحابي
In English
This workshop will introduce Google Drive, one of the leading online storage apps that can help you store your files and convert them to different formats. You will also learn how to quickly and efficiently collaborate on the same documents with your team members. The workshop will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
تجارب علمية مذهلة من بيوتكم
In Arabic
Science and scientific experiments can surprise us by showing us things we didn't expect! If you love science experiments or are just curious to learn more, join us for fun science experiments that you can do using simple tools that you have at home, such as cups, food dye, vinegar and eggs. You will be able to do these experiments on your own. Join us for this fun event!
حلقة الحياكة والكروشيه الأسبوعية عن بُعد
In Arabic and English
Join our Virtual Knitting and Crochet Meetup to share experiences, information and more. Show us what you’re working on every Thursday in October from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and those who want to learn. Grab your yarn and needles and let’s chat! The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.