Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

نادي الشطرنج
In English
Did you know that chess improves memory, problem-solving, and IQ? It's also a wonderful way to improve focus, flex those creativity muscles, and most importantly, kids have fun playing.
كيف تختار التخصص الجامعي؟
In Arabic
The Young Adults' Library, in collaboration with Qatar Career Development Center, presents this session that will help students learn how to choose a university major and to take the right educational path according to their abilities and inclinations.
جلسة إرشادية لأعضاء المكتبة الجُدد
In English
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while? Join us for an introductory session about Library membership. You’ll hear about your benefits and responsibilities as a member, get information about our borrowing policies and how to use our self-borrowing stations, and learn how to find books and other resources in our collections. Sign up and start getting the most out of your membership! 
مهارات القيادة
In Arabic
Leadership skills–are they innate, or are they acquired skills that can be implemented and developed? How can we acquire these skills to motivate ourselves and others around us and to complete work effectively, whether on a personal or professional level. Join us in this workshop to learn leadership skills with Shatha Farajalla, who has a master's degree in educational leadership.
سلسلة ندوات مهارات تحقيق النجاح الأكاديمي
In English
Developing successful habits can be challenging, but the Library has got you covered. In this series of seminars, you'll develop skills, tips, tricks and habits that will take you to the next level in your academic life. We will cover things from human psychology, neurolinguistics programing and physiology to smart ways to study, how to construct an essay and how to improve your memory.
وقت الحكاية للأطفال الصغار عبر الإنترنت
In English
Spend a fun-filled time with reading, music movement and activities with your little ones.
مكتبتي الصغيرة
In Arabic and English
Would you like to have a mini-library of your own or give one to a loved one as a surprise gift for shelving books borrowed from the Library? If so, spell out your reasons in no less than two lines, with a drawing if you like. Send your answers to [email protected]. You will be part of a raffle draw on 17 October 2021 on Microsoft Teams, and two winners will be selected. Prizes are a mini-library with shelves and a collection of books selected by our librarians.
رحلة مع الخط العربي
In Arabic
We will set off on our journey through this unique art form with theoretical and practical foundations of Arabic calligraphy aesthetics, history and most important tools. Hassan Al-Hajj, Professor of Arabic Calligraphy, will teach us online about two types of fonts that the Arabs used and are still using: Naskh and Thuluth scripts. This will be followed by a practical session in the Library building to practice and apply what has been discussed in the theoretical sessions. 
إرشاردات  لبدء رحلة الاستدامة في قطر
In English
The Library, in collaboration with the Doha Environmental Actions Project, presents this session in which participants can learn about local marine life and how plastic pollution in Qatar has an impact on it. Participants will learn simple things they can do to fix the problem.
تحدي كتابة المقالة العلمية القصيرة
In Arabic
Would you like to cultivate your students’ knowledge in scientific research and information literacy skills? If your students are between 10 and 16 years old and have an interest in the field of scientific research, we encourage you to invite your students to join this challenge to acquire many skills of scientific writing, document references and many more.