Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

اللقاء الشهري لنادي الكتاب العربي: الكتاب الذي تتمنى لو قرأه أبواك
In Arabic
Join the Arabic Book Club for a virtual book discussion. We will discuss The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read, by Philippa Perry.
استكشف مكتبة قطر الوطنية
In Arabic and English
We are pleased to invite you to visit and explore Qatar National Library. Our staff are happy to give you a tour highlighting the Library’s services and resources.
حلقة الحياكة والكروشيه الأسبوعية عن بُعد
In Arabic and English
Join our Virtual Knitting and Crochet Meetup to share experiences, information and more. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and those who want to learn. Grab your yarn and needles and let’s chat! 
اللقاء الشهري لنادي الروايات الإنجليزية: رواية "Love In The Time Of Cholera"
In English
Join us in our virtual English Fiction Book Club meeting. We will discuss Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The classic novel is a story of unrequited love over generations that touches on themes of love and passion, humanity, and death and loss. To borrow the title electronically visit this link to the book in our OverDrive database and choose the option “borrow”; from there, you will need to log in using your Library membership number and PIN.
مقدمة في علم الفلك
In Arabic
To spread knowledge about astronomy in Qatar, the Library, in cooperation with the Qatar Calendar House, is hosting a series of astronomical lectures. During these lectures, we will explore the emergence of astronomy and its various specializations and developments. Then, we will learn about the different characteristics of celestial bodies and the phenomena that can be monitored from the surface of the Earth, such as eclipses, convergence and conjugation.
التعلم القائم على المشروعات
In English
Learning facts and reciting them out of context isn't going to cut it anymore. Students need to prepare to solve highly complex problems that require skills such as teamwork, solving problems, gathering research, time management, synthesizing information and using high-tech tools. Project-Based Learning (PBL) provides a framework for bringing these skills out in students. In this workshop, we'll explore PBL and how to make it possible in your learning context, whether at home or in the classroom.
وقت القصة عبر الإنترنت
In Arabic
Join us for Online Storytime for Children every Monday. We will read stories and make up our own together. 
مقدمة لعملية الكتابة الأكاديمية
In English
Join this introductory session about the process of academic writing as a process. We will guide you through the stages of the academic writing process and offer some tips and tools for success at each stage. Whether you’re new to academic writing or a graduate student looking for a refresher, this session offers you a chance to consider your writing process. We will also demonstrate how to navigate the Library's resources and services. 
تحسين عادات القراءة لدى اليافعين
In English
Many studies show that young adults' reading habits are declining and are become a challenge among that age group. John Michael Dela Paz, an educator and literacy advocate, will talk about some techniques and tips on how you can improve your reading habits.
أفكار لأنشطة يدوية حسية لآباء الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة
In English
This program will teach you how to improve the sensory skills of children with disabilities by using available materials at home to create fun-filled arts and crafts to develop their creativity and imagination.