Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

كتابة المصحف الشريف عبر العصور
In Arabic
Throughout history, Muslims have devoted an abundance of care and attention to serving their First Book in both its content (the very text of the Qur’an) and physical form (the Mus'haf; which was and still is handwritten, produced in manuscript form, and later in printed or digital formats).
أسئلة رمضانية للشباب
In English
Test your knowledge about Ramadan! All young adults are welcome to join an online trivia contest through Microsoft Teams and the Kahoot! app. Participants will need to have two devices (computer\phone) in order to join. The top three winners from each session will get a prize from the Library. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
السيرة النبوية للمصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام
In Arabic
Join us online to get to know the amazing Sira (biography) of the life of the messenger, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], the last of the prophets. 
حلقة الحياكة والكروشيه الأسبوعية عن بُعد
In Arabic and English
Join our Virtual Knitting and Crochet Meetup to share experiences, information and more. Everyone is welcome, including beginners and those who want to learn. Grab your yarn and needles and let’s chat! The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
قصص رمضانية
In Arabic
Join us for Ramadan Storytime Online every Monday and Wednesday. We will read stories and make up our own together.
الاستفادة القصوى من الخدمات الإلكترونية للمكتبة
In English
Join us for a brief orientation about the Library's online services for adults. You'll be introduced to our various online services and how you can maximize your virtual Library experience. The session will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
نصائح سريعة: 10 حيل أساسية للبحث في الويب يجب أن يعرفها الجميع!
In Arabic
Have you ever been frustrated with your web search results? We've all been there! In this 30-minute session, you will learn some basic web search skills you need to have to search better and get relevant results. Join us and see how easy it is to search the web more effectively!
نصائح سريعة: 10 حيل أساسية للبحث في الويب يجب أن يعرفها الجميع!
In English
Have you ever been frustrated with your web search results? We've all been there! In this 30-minute session, you will learn some basic web search skills you need to have to search better and get relevant results. Join us and see how easy it is to search the web more effectively!
قصص رمضانية
In Arabic
Join us for Ramadan Storytime Online every Monday and Wednesday. We will read stories and make up our own together.
In Arabic and English
The Library invites you to participate in Season One of the Islamic Chant Competition during Ramadan 2021.