Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

هل أنت عضو جديد في المكتبة؟
In English
Are you a new Library member or just haven’t visited us in a while? Join us for an introductory session about Library membership. You’ll hear about your benefits and responsibilities as a member, get information about our borrowing policies and how to use our self-borrowing stations, and learn how to find books and other resources in our collections. Sign up and start getting the most out of your membership! 
دور المجتمع المحلي في حفظ التراث
In Arabic
To mark World Heritage Day 18 April, the Heritage Library, in cooperation with the Qatari Literature Initiative, will host a webinar on "The Local Community's Role in Heritage Preservation." The webinar will highlight the contributions of institutions, including libraries and museums, and individuals' passion for personal curation to the preservation of documentary heritage.
كتابة الشعر عن رمضان للأطفال
In English
Poetry has always been a central part of Islamic culture, and we’ll be celebrating its importance this Ramadan with your children. Please join us for a virtual poetry writing session where we’ll teach them how to write a simple poem on the theme of Ramadan. They're sure to create something worth sharing with friends and family. Let the creativity shine! The workshop will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
أسئلة رمضانية للشباب
In English
Test your knowledge about Ramadan! All young adults are welcome to join an online trivia contest through Microsoft Teams and the Kahoot! app. Participants will need to have two devices (computer\phone) in order to join. The top three winners from each session will get a prize from the Library. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams. 
السيرة النبوية للمصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام
In Arabic
Join us online to get to know the amazing Sira (biography) of the life of the messenger, Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], the last of the prophets. 
قصص رمضانية
In Arabic
Join us for Ramadan Storytime Online every Monday and Wednesday. We will read stories and make up our own together.
الوباء وجدل العدوى والاحتراز في التراث العربي: قراءة متعددة التخصصات
In Arabic, with English Interpretation
The plague is the most significant epidemic in history. It repeatedly and almost regularly afflicted the ancient world, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives in the process. Independent writings on the plague increased since the Big Plague or the Sweeping Plague (1348 CE/749 AH). Due to the large number of Arabic works on this genre, what could be named "Literature of Plagues" emerged reflecting the interaction of the learned elite (particularly jurists and hadith scholars) with an epidemic that physicians were unable to diagnose accurately and to treat as well. Tensions arose between the experimental medical and religious references.
قصص رمضانية
In Arabic
Join us for Ramadan Storytime Online every Monday and Wednesday. We will read stories and make up our own together.
كيف تُحسِّن كفاءة ذاكرتك؟
In English
Memory is a weird thing. Sometimes you struggle to remember very important information, and sometimes you can easily recall some silly stuff with a lot of unnecessary details. During this online workshop, you will be equipped with various tools and techniques for memorizing and remembering important dates and names.
استراتيجيات ذكية لتوجيه سلوك الطفل
In Arabic
Join us in this session presented by the trainer Graziella G. from the Qatar Nanny Training Academy and get to know the different types of personalities that children present. You'll learn the most effective strategies to manage any challenging behaviors in this interactive session. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.