Past Events

Dear guests,

Some of the Library’s events and workshops will continue to be offered online until further notice. About 24 hours before the event, a librarian will send you the link you can use to attend. 

صناعة الأطفال
In English
How do we, as parents, master raising our children? Join us to get to know some important child rising skills, learn about the 10 principles of parenting and hear about some parenting slipups that we can all fall to. This lecture will be presented by Dr. Mamoun Mobayed, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director of Treatment and Rehabilitation Department at the Behavioral Healthcare Center, and author of several parenting books. 
أساسيات تصميم مواقع الويب لليافعين
In English
This workshop will provide some tips and techniques in creating personal or professional website. This session is led by first-year undergaduate student Sawsan Mahmoud Al Araki.
لقاحات كوفيد-19: بين الحقيقة والأخبار المزيفة
In Arabic
These days, the news seems split between medical facts and fake news! Where can we get authentic news and medical facts? In this event, we will host Dr. Muna Al Maslamani, Medical Director of the Communicable Disease Center at Hamad General Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, will discuss the reality of the fake news regarding COVID-19 and how to seek real news from official sources. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
لقاء نادي الكتاب العربي: كتاب طريق صامويل سمايلز
In Arabic
Join the Arabic Book Club for a virtual book discussion. We will discuss Samuel Smiles's Way, by Eman Al Shamry. The event will be conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
تهيئة مكتبتك لاستخدام ذوي الإعاقة: أفكار أولية لأخصائيي المكتبات
In Arabic
In this program, we'll discuss various assistive technology devices and important considerations in integrating accessibility into libraries. 
استكشف مكتبة قطر الوطنية
In Arabic and English
We are pleased to invite you to visit and explore Qatar National Library. Our staff are happy to give you a tour highlighting the Library’s services and resources.
استكشف مكتبة الأطفال الإلكترونية!
In Arabic
Join this session online via Microsoft Teams and explore the amazing electronic collection available for young readers on the Library’s website. The collection is available to you any day of the week, any time of day, and includes audiobooks, read-alongs, games, puzzles, printouts and more. To ensure you get the maximum benefit from this session, please have your membership information ready. If you do not have a membership, please register here.
هل تبحث عن معلومات موثوقة حول الصحة العامة والطب؟ ابدأ هنا
In English
Are you a health professional conducting research, or simply looking for a reliable source of health information to make a more informed decision or advance health literacy in your institution? Join us and discover the Library’s available health information resources and other services that may interest you.
الدعم عن بُعد لواجبات العلوم والرياضيات
In English
Having trouble with your math or science homework? We are happy to continue to help! The support will be provided online via Microsoft Teams. 
إنشاء صفحة مهنية على موقع لينكد إن وسيرة ذاتية احترافية
In English
Join us in this online session via Microsoft Teams to learn how to create a profile on LinkedIn, the most popular platform for professional networking. This session will also cover how to write a good CV that you can incorporate into your LinkedIn profile.